Malvern Pride is for everyone and your performance must be fully inclusive of everyone in the LGBT+ community. Please also bear in mind that this is a family-friendly event and we therefore ask that all performers refrain from swearing or being overtly sexual, verbally or physically. If the organisers feel that your performance is inappropriate for the audience, they may request that you change the content or curtail your performance.
Opening times
The event is 12:00 - 18:00 on Saturday 29th July with performances on the stage running throughout this time. You will be allocated a slot in the running order which you must perform in.
Set Up
Please be on site 30-45 minutes before you are due on stage.
Before the day, you will be given a time slot between 12:00-18:00. You must contact us to let us know what technical support you require - a sheet for this will be supplied prior to the event.
All vehicles must have left the festival area by 11:00.
Parking is not provided for performers.
The event starts officially at 12:00, though the public will be around the outside of the area earlier as it is a public park.
Pack Up
If you are packing up before 17:00 please be mindful not to disturb the other performances.
The event finishes at 18:00. You are free to leave after you have performed your act but please notify a member of the Malvern Pride team.
Access and Parking
Stewards will direct your vehicles onto and off the site for unloading and loading, but only during an allocated time slot; you will need to make your own arrangements for parking your vehicle away from the event area. The event area is Priory Park which is only open to pedestrians under normal circumstances. Suggestions for offsite parking would be the nearby car parking, for example, on Orchard or Priory Roads or The Splash. If parking on the nearby streets, please park with consideration for residents and other visitors to town.
Performer Amenities and ‘on the day’ Responsibilities
The performance area is by the band stand in Priory Park. A stage and PA system is provided. Light shows, special effects and smoke machines are not permitted. Do not plug in or use your own or the site’s equipment without talking to a Pride Team Member.
We recommend no more than 6-8 performers on stage at any given time, and 4-5 for a band dependent on equipment set up. Any dance performances, particularly in groups, are advised to consider at least partially performing in front of the stage to limit risk of falling off.
Performers are responsible for ensuring their props do not obstruct or endanger the public or other performers in any way. Performers should be aware of their own and other’s health and safety at all times.
Malvern Pride will not be held responsible for any damage, injury or loss.
You must have £1 million of public liability insurance, and you must provide evidence of cover to Malvern Pride in advance of the event (as requested in the “Required Documentation” section).
Performers must have their own Public (and Products) Liability Insurance. This must cover you, your staff, and your property sufficiently at all times during the event, during set up/pack down.
Upon requesting a performance slot for Malvern Pride, you confirm that you have this insurance in place.
Prohibited items
The following items are prohibited: petrol generators, fuel, smoke machines or smoke effects, amplified music not provided by Malvern Pride, strobe lighting and confetti.
There will be bins for public use across Priory Park. During the day, performers are responsible for
disposing of their own rubbish and at the close of the event, not leaving it on or around the stage. If rubbish is left, no further applications will be accepted from that performer.
No fundraising is allowed, except for Malvern Pride This includes offering a service or product in return for a donation or asking people to sign up to direct debits etc.
Required documentation
• PAT test certificate for any equipment
• Risk Assessment
• Public Liability Insurance