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Code of Conduct

Our code of conduct is designed to ensure Malvern Pride is a safe and accepting space for everyone. Abuse or threatening behaviour of any kind is not acceptable at Pride.


If you are a stallholder:

  • The code of conduct applies equally to everyone on your stall.

  • You are collectively responsible for behaviour within your group.

  • Failure to comply with the code could result in you being asked to leave the event and also affect future applications.


If you are attending Pride:

  • If you are acting in a way that breaks the code of conduct you will be asked to leave, if you do not leave when asked we will have to contact the police. 

  • If you have any concerns on the day, Malvern Pride volunteers are on site to help support you.


The Code of Conduct

  • Pride is a celebration of diversity and equality, and all participants in Malvern Pride are expected to embrace and respect this.

  • Malvern Pride will not tolerate any threatening, violent, or offensive behaviour against its volunteers, the stallholders, or members of the public.

  • Malvern Pride celebrates diversity and will not tolerate any offensive language, gestures, or any other form of behaviour about another person’s:

  • Sexuality 

  • Gender 

  • Trans Status

  • Race 

  • Age 

  • Nationality

  • Disability

  • Appearance 

  • Religion

  • Or any other protected characteristic​

  • Anyone found to be harassing people in any manner will be asked to leave the event immediately and reported to the police.

  • Anyone found to be consuming or dealing illegal substances at the event will be removed and reported to the police.

  • Malvern Pride asks for everyone to please act responsibly and legally concerning alcohol consumption across the event.  

  • Malvern Pride is trying to be eco-friendly, and asks that everyone work towards this. This includes but is not limited to: 

  • Using biodegradable glitter

  • Providing non-plastic bags, food containers, etc. as a stallholder. 

  • Placing rubbish in the provided bins. 

  • If you see or are notified of any incident that would break this code of conduct, please notify a Malvern Pride volunteer or a member of the police immediately.


Failure to abide by the Code of Conduct can result in the following:

  • Any person behaving in such a manner will be immediately removed from the event.

  • Their group may also be removed at the sole discretion of the Pride management team. Any fees paid will be forfeited.

  • Any person found to be taking part in illegal activity will be reported to the police.

  • ​In all matters relating to this code of conduct, the decision of the Pride committee will be final.

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